To the New Years Resolution Newbies:
It’s that time of year again. When you descend on the gyms, pools and tracks. Taking up space. Dirtying the towels. Making it harder to find a parking space.
? I don’t want you....
-to avoid filling up the gym lobby, weight room, treadmills, track. Be wherever you want to be.
-to hurry and cut corners on your workout because I’m waiting. Take your time. This is your gym too.
-to avoid jumping on that weight machine because you don’t know how to use it. Ask me. I still don’t understand them all sometimes.
-to feel like everyone’s watching you with negativity. I’m watching you with camaraderie and encouragement.
-to compare my today to your first day. Your today was my first day once.
-to get frustrated when you fail. Little failures drive you forward. Stay consistent.
-to lump yourself in with the “New Years Resolution Newbies” who will wane off their resolutions in a few weeks. I want you to be different.
⭐️ I don’t want give up.
?? I want you to continue. You’re going to change the world. Yours. Mine. And others too.