Regardless of how effective your advertising and marketing is, your client onboarding process for new in person fitness clients is essential for making a great impression on the client. Attracting new clients and retaining existing clients is always challenging. However, providing an outstanding and seamless customer service experience through an onboarding process which addresses important areas and provides key documents to the client and information for the fitness professional’s records, can be essential to the success of your fitness business and your ability to thrive, as well as be legally protected.
An excellent on-boarding experience for new in person fitness clients is an opportunity to collect information about the client that will help you provide high quality services, and establish a working relationship with the potential for mutual benefit.
Key documents for on-boarding new fitness clients include:
- Client Information Form
- A PAR-Q Form.
- Contract or Agreement
- Personal Training Participant Release (including Waivers and Disclaimers) and informed consent
- Medical Release Form
- Fitness Progress Measurement Form